Courageous Missions | Courage | Vapor Ministries
Rodney Thrift   -  


Courageous Missions

Joshua 1:9 (NKJV) 9 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”

SOUL TATTOO: The Presence prepares you for the promise.

SOUL TATTOO: Mothers embody courage through their daily acts of selflessness and dedication to their children.

SOUL TATTOO: It takes courage in mission work with today’s challenges to engage communities worldwide with the love and compassion of Jesus.

1. Could you provide insights into Vapor Ministries’ ongoing missions initiatives and how they reflect the organization’s core mission and values?

2. Can you share any compelling stories or examples of transformation resulting from Vapor Ministries’ past missions’ endeavors?

3. How does Vapor Ministries make sure it respects different cultures and adjusts to them when working in different places?

4. What kind of support, training or resources does Vapor Ministries offer to volunteers and or missionaries, both before and during their service?

5. In what ways does Vapor Ministries assess and measure the lasting impact of its missions’ efforts, both on the communities served and, on the volunteers, involved?

SOUL TATTOO: It takes courage in mission work with today’s challenges to engage communities worldwide with the love and compassion of Jesus.


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